Vision impacts social, motor, cognitive, and academic achievement. Reading, writing, and play all involve the visual system in some way. In fact, 90% of all learning is done with our eyes that is why it is imperative that children have their first eye exams early on. Exams can be done as early as 6 months of age and should continue through childhood for early detection of visual related issues. School aged children should have annual exams just as they have annual physicals. Your child’s prescription can change as they grow and continue to change through puberty into adolescence.

Vision screenings at school can be helpful, but this does not take the place of a full routine eye exam. During your child’s exam with a eye care profession we check not only for visual acuity but also eye tracking and teaming. Tracking allows us to be able to read and follow along on a page with ease. Teaming gives us our depth perception aiding in our spatial awareness and hand-eye coordination. We have techniques tailored to the pediatric population to ensure a thorough and fun exam.

Common signs of visual issues in children

frequently rubbing eyes and blinking

short attention span

covering or favoring one eye over another

visible eye turn

losing place when reading

difficulty remembering what they read

frequent headaches

holding reading material too close

sitting to close to the TV

complaints of double vision

Is you child demonstrating any of these symptoms? Call to schedule an appointment today!

We are proud participants of the infantsee program

InfantSEE, a public health program, managed by  Optometry Cares - The AOA Foundation, is designed to ensure that eye and vision care becomes an integral part of infant wellness care to improve a child's quality of life. Under this program, AOA member optometrists provide a no-cost comprehensive eye and vision assessment for infants 6-12 months old regardless of a family's income or access to insurance coverage.